path: root/scenes/stockticker/
diff options
authorjacob janzen <>2024-11-16 11:43:41 -0600
committerGitHub <>2024-11-16 11:43:41 -0600
commit1a6dd05f13d7afb312332c9636436cadcf01639b (patch)
treeacf15e3a8d0765e743661a0aec78b6c4da64c829 /scenes/stockticker/
parentdf074ff75646f543b634d229c3e183a991403890 (diff)
Stonks for real this time (#2)
* start labels * stonks * stonks for real this time
Diffstat (limited to 'scenes/stockticker/')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/scenes/stockticker/ b/scenes/stockticker/
index fefc340..508fb82 100644
--- a/scenes/stockticker/
+++ b/scenes/stockticker/
@@ -1,52 +1,167 @@
extends Node2D
+const MAX_PRICES = 15
+const Y_START = 60
+const Y_END = 356
+const X_START = 50
+const X_END = 1000
+var price_label
+var shares_label
+var top_label
+var mid_label
+var bottom_label
+var darksouls_background: Sprite2D
+var darksouls_text: Label
var price_history = []
-var max_prices = 15
-var max_up_multiplier = 2
-var max_down_multiplier = 2
+var base_pos_mult = 0.5 # no size limit
+var base_neg_mult = 0.5 # probably keep this below 1
+var hype_mult = 1.0
+var hype_decr = 0.1
+var hype_inc = 0.05
+var panic_mult = 1.0
+var panic_decr = 0.1
+var panic_inc = 0.01
var bailout_counter = 0
var bailout_time = 1
-var bailout_price = 5
-var start_val = 5
+var bailout_price =
+var start_val =
var prev_price = start_val
+var shares = 0
+func handle_bailout(new_price: Big) -> Big:
+ if bailout_counter < bailout_time:
+ new_price =
+ bailout_counter += 1
+ else:
+ darksouls_background.visible = true
+ darksouls_text.visible = true
+ darksouls_text.text = "Bailed Out"
+ new_price = bailout_price
+ bailout_counter = 0
+ bailout_time *= 2
+ panic_mult = 1.0
+ hype_mult = 1.0
+ return new_price
+func draw_stonks(minval: Big, maxval: Big) -> void:
+ var stonks: Line2D = $Stonks
+ stonks.clear_points()
+ var index = 0
+ var x_delta = (X_END - X_START)/float(len(price_history)-1)
+ var y_range = - Y_START)
+ var price_range = maxval.minus(minval)
+ for price: Big in price_history:
+ var x_pos = x_delta * index + X_START
+ var y_pos = Y_END
+ if price_range.isGreaterThan(0.001):
+ var price_ratio = (price.minus(minval)).dividedBy(price_range)
+ y_pos = float(
+ var pos = Vector2(x_pos, y_pos)
+ stonks.add_point(pos, index)
+ index += 1
+func get_min_price() -> Big:
+ var minval =
+ for price in price_history:
+ if price.isLessThan(minval) or minval.isLessThan(0):
+ minval = price
+ return minval
+func get_max_price() -> Big:
+ var maxval =
+ for price in price_history:
+ if price.isGreaterThan(maxval):
+ maxval = price
+ return maxval
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
- print(start_val)
- var label = $"Price Label"
- label.text = "Price:\n$%f" % start_val
+ price_label = $"Price Label"
+ shares_label = $"Shares Held Label"
+ top_label = $Top
+ mid_label = $Middle
+ bottom_label = $Bottom
+ darksouls_background = $DarkSoulsTextBox
+ darksouls_text = $DarkSoulsLabel
+ price_label.text = "Price:\n$%s" % start_val.toString()
+ shares_label.text = "Shares\nHeld:%d" % shares
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
-func _process(delta: float) -> void:
+func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
func _on_timer_timeout() -> void:
+ darksouls_background.visible = false
+ darksouls_text.visible = false
var new_price = prev_price
- if prev_price <= 0:
- if bailout_counter < bailout_time:
- new_price = 0
- bailout_counter += 1
- else:
- new_price = bailout_price
- bailout_counter = 0
+ hype_mult -= hype_decr
+ if hype_mult < 1: hype_mult = 1.0
+ panic_mult -= panic_decr
+ if panic_mult < 1: panic_mult = 1.0
+ if prev_price.isLessThanOrEqualTo(0):
+ new_price = handle_bailout(new_price)
elif randf() < 0.5:
- new_price += 1 * max_up_multiplier * randf()
+ var mult = * hype_mult * randf()))
+ new_price = new_price.times(mult)
- new_price -= 1 * max_down_multiplier * randf()
+ var mult = * panic_mult * randf()))
+ new_price = new_price.times(mult)
- if new_price < 0: new_price = 0
+ if new_price.isLessThan(1) or new_price.toString()[0] == '-':
+ print(bailout_counter)
+ print(new_price.toString())
+ if bailout_counter == 0:
+ darksouls_background.visible = true
+ darksouls_text.visible = true
+ darksouls_text.text = "Stock Bankrupt"
+ new_price =
+ shares = 0
+ shares_label.text = "Shares\nHeld:%d" % shares
- if len(price_history) >= max_prices:
+ if len(price_history) >= MAX_PRICES:
prev_price = new_price
- var label = $"Price Label"
- label.text = "Price:\n$%f" % new_price
+ price_label.text = "Price:\n$%s" % new_price.toString()
+ var min_price = get_min_price()
+ var max_price = get_max_price()
+ var mean_price =
- print(new_price)
+ top_label.text = "%s" % max_price.toScientific()
+ mid_label.text = "%s" % mean_price.toScientific()
+ bottom_label.text = "%s" % min_price.toScientific()
+ draw_stonks(min_price, max_price)
+func _on_buy_button_button_up() -> void:
+ if shares < 100 and prev_price.isGreaterThan(0):
+ shares += 1
+ shares_label.text = "Shares\nHeld:%d" % shares
+ hype_mult += hype_inc
+func _on_sell_button_button_up() -> void:
+ if shares > 0:
+ shares -= 1
+ shares_label.text = "Shares\nHeld:%d" % shares
+ panic_mult += panic_inc