
Writhing Mass of Flesh

This program procedurally generates a GIF that resembles a writhing mass of flesh. Originally, it was intended to be bubbles, but so it goes. I recommend doing a 500x500 image with 100 cells and 100 frames to get the best balance of appearance and run time.

The easiest way to download and compile this is simply

cargo install writhing_mass_of_flesh

Alternatively, you can clone the repository and run

cargo build --release

which will put the compiled executable at ./target/release/writhing_mass_of_flesh


writhing_mass_of_flesh --width <WIDTH> --height <HEIGHT> --frames <FRAMES> --num-cells <NUM_CELLS> --out <OUT>


    -f, --frames <FRAMES>          number of gif frames
    -h, --height <HEIGHT>          height of the image
        --help                     Print help information
    -n, --num-cells <NUM_CELLS>    number of cells to generate
    -o, --out <OUT>                output file
    -V, --version                  Print version information
    -w, --width <WIDTH>            width of the image

Example Result:

Example Result