#!/bin/sh set -x if [ "$1" = "test" ]; then branch='test' location='/var/www/html-test' echo 'deploying to test.jjanzen.ca' elif [ "$1" = "main" ]; then branch='main' location='/var/www/html' echo 'deploying to jjanzen.ca' else echo 'unrecognized mode' exit 1 fi rm -rf "$HOME/public_html" cd ~/website || exit git checkout "$branch" git clean -f git pull cd ~/dotfiles || exit git checkout "$branch" git clean -f git pull cd ~/blog || exit git checkout "$branch" git clean -f git pull /bin/cp "$HOME/website/deploy.sh" /usr/local/bin cd ~/dotfiles || exit ~/website/fix-dotfile-paths.sh cd "$HOME" /usr/local/bin/emacs --batch -f package-initialize --script ~/website/publish.el ~/website/post-publish.sh sed -i 's/) .*/jjanzen@jjanzen.ca (jjanzen)/g' ~/public_html/rss.xml /bin/cp -r "$HOME/public_html"/* "$location" chown -R apache:apache "$location" chmod -R 775 "$location"