path: root/projects.org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'projects.org')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/projects.org b/projects.org
index deffe65..0c5da45 100644
--- a/projects.org
+++ b/projects.org
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
#+title: Projects
* In progress
-- [[https://git.sr.ht/~jjanzen/urlg][urlg]]: an old-style rogue-like written in C with =ncurses=. Progress is slow as I only work on this one when I'm feeling really inspired.
+- [[https://git.jjanzen.ca/index.cgi/urlg.git][urlg]]: an ASCII roguelike game written in C with =ncurses=. The project is largely dormant right now as I don't have much time to work on it.
+- [[https:git.jjanzen.ca/index.cgi/sily-bot.git][Sily-Bot]]: A simple Discord bot that I mostly made to schedule-send memes.
* Completed
+- [[https://git.jjanzen.ca/index.cgi/relaxing-fishing-game.git][Relaxing Fishing Game]]: a very "relaxing" fishing game for the 2024 CSSA Game Jam.
+ #+begin_export html
+ <iframe frameborder="0" src="https://itch.io/embed/3116553?bg_color=fff8ea&amp;fg_color=594545" width="552" height="167"><a href="https://jjanzen.itch.io/relaxing-fishing-game">Relaxing Fishing Game by jjanzen</a></iframe>
+ #+end_export
- [[https://github.com/codyauch/IPN-Project][IPN Project]]: implementing an interplanetary network simulations using NS-3.
-- [[https://jacobjanzen.itch.io/space-cowboy][Space Cowboy]]: a simple platforming game with some "interesting" (read bad, but fun) physics written for the 2022 University of Manitoba Computer Science Student Association Game Jam.
-- [[https://git.sr.ht/~jjanzen/writhing-mass-of-flesh][Writing Mass of Flesh]]: a program that procedurally generates mildly disturbing looking GIFs. Winner of the best code category for the University of Manitoba DevClub's 2022 generative art challenge.
+- [[https://github.com/jjanzenn/cssa-gamejam-2022][Space Cowboy]]: a simple platforming game with some "interesting" (read bad, but fun) physics written for the 2022 University of Manitoba Computer Science Student Association Game Jam.
+ #+begin_export html
+ <iframe frameborder="0" src="https://itch.io/embed/1377780?bg_color=fff8ea&amp;fg_color=594545" width="552" height="167"><a href="https://jjanzen.itch.io/space-cowboy">Space Cowboy by jjanzen, Mohsen Yousefian, dlarocque</a></iframe>
+ #+end_export
+- [[https://git.jjanzen.ca/index.cgi/writhing_mass_of_flesh.git][Writing Mass of Flesh]]: a program that procedurally generates mildly disturbing looking GIFs. Winner of the best code category for the University of Manitoba DevClub's 2022 generative art challenge.