# Sily Bot A bot that automates silliness. ## How to run 1. Create a new bot at 2. Set your Interactions Endpoint URL here: https://discord.com/developers/applications//information 3. Clone the latest version of `sily-bot` with `git clone https://git.jjanzen.ca/index.cgi/sily-bot.git` 4. Populate your `.env` file * `APP_ID` and `PUBLIC_KEY` are found at https://discord.com/developers/applications//information * `DISCORD_TOKEN` is found by reseting the token at https://discord.com/developers/applications//bot * TIMEZONE is base on the [IANA time zone database](https://www.iana.org/time-zones) e.g. `America/Winnipeg` * `PORT` is the port that the application should run on. This value is optional and defaults to 3000. 5. Install dependencies with `npm install` 6. Register the bot commands with `npm run register` 7. Run the bot with `npm run start` The `.env` file is formatted as: ```ini APP_ID= DISCORD_TOKEN= PUBLIC_KEY= TIMEZONE= PORT= # optional ``` ### Note on accessing the bot This bot requires that there be a publicly accessible interactions endpoint URL. You're on your own for this as the setup entirely depends on your system. I run an Apache webserver that proxies requests for `/sily-bot` to `` with the following: ```xml # ... SSLProxyEngine on ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse ``` ## Current Abilities |Command|Description| |---|---| |`/blep`|blep.| |`/catfact`|Get a fact about cats| |`/factcheck`|Commune with the sacred boar at the centre of the world to check a fact| |`/fomx`|Get an image of a fox| |`/help`|Show a help message| |`/pet`|You can pet sily-bot.| |`/schedule-message `|Schedule a message to be sent later. Works like Linux cron jobs in the format `second minute hour day month weekday`. Put the number (or name of month or weekday) in each spot. If you want it to run every second, minute, etc. instead of once when it reaches the provided number, use a `*` instead of a number. For instance, to run a job every minute on January 4th, you might use `0 * * 4 January *`.|