extends Node2D ## I need the signal-emitter to be the root node of this scene and when I ## tried to just move the script it broke the stonk line so here this is I guess lol signal buy(amount: Variant) signal sell(amount: Variant) var fish_name: String func _on_stonks_buy(amount: Variant) -> void: print("-$%s" % amount.toString()) buy.emit(amount) func _on_stonks_sell(amount: Variant) -> void: print("+$%s" % amount.toString()) sell.emit(amount) # Scope creep! func start(): $Timer.start() get_window().title = fish_name func set_icon(sprite: Sprite2D): $Node2D/Sprite2D.texture = sprite.texture func _on_fishin_fish_chosen(fish_sprite: Sprite2D, fish_name: String) -> void: $Sprite2D.texture = fish_sprite.texture self.fish_name = fish_name