class_name ShakePivot extends Node2D ## Shakes on command. Use this node as the parent of a sprite or a camera to make it shake! ## Adapted from ## How quickly to move through the noise. @export var NOISE_SHAKE_SPEED: float = 20.0 ## How much to multiply the noise values (which are in the range (-1, 1)) by. @export var NOISE_SHAKE_STRENGTH: float = 15.0 ## Multiplier for lerping the shake strength to zero. @export var SHAKE_DECAY_RATE: float = 10.0 ## Object that creates random noise to make for a nice shaking motion. @onready var _noise := ## Used to keep track of where we are in the noise so we can smoothly move through it. var noise_i: float = 0.0 ## Value taken from the noise to calculate the shaking node's position. var shake_strength: float = 0.0 # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready() -> void: # Set noise type to simplex, since the tutorial I'm copying (uh I mean taking inspiration from) # is for an older version of Godot that had a dedicated simplex noise class _noise.noise_type = FastNoiseLite.TYPE_SIMPLEX # Randomize the generated noise _noise.seed = randi() # Period affects how quickly the noise changes values _noise.frequency = 0.5 # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta: float) -> void: # Fade out the intensity over time shake_strength = lerp(shake_strength, 0.0, SHAKE_DECAY_RATE * delta) # Shake by adjusting position so we can move the object around position = get_noise_offset(delta) ## Uses noise to generate a random 2D vector func get_noise_offset(delta: float) -> Vector2: noise_i += delta * NOISE_SHAKE_SPEED # Set the x values of each call to 'get_noise_2d' to a different value so that our x and y # vectors will read from unrelated areas of noise return Vector2( _noise.get_noise_2d(1, noise_i) * shake_strength, _noise.get_noise_2d(100, noise_i) * shake_strength ) ## Sets the strength to its initial value. func shake() -> void: shake_strength = NOISE_SHAKE_STRENGTH