diff options
-rw-r--r-- | funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3 | bin | 0 -> 105148 bytes | |||
-rw-r--r-- | funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3.import | 19 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | scenes/main.gd | 25 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | scenes/main.tscn | 62 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | scenes/microgames/fishin/fishin.gd | 19 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | scenes/microgames/fishin/node_2d.tscn | 53 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | scenes/score_window/score_window.gd | 24 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | scenes/stockticker/Stock Ticker.tscn | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | scenes/stockticker/transactions.gd | 4 |
9 files changed, 146 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3 b/funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3 Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6fd66f --- /dev/null +++ b/funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3 diff --git a/funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3.import b/funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a24f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3.import @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[remap] + +importer="mp3" +type="AudioStreamMP3" +uid="uid://beunakwyi8i82" +path="res://.godot/imported/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3-8624320351dd8252c06c13358f68da4e.mp3str" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3-8624320351dd8252c06c13358f68da4e.mp3str"] + +[params] + +loop=false +loop_offset=0 +bpm=0 +beat_count=0 +bar_beats=4 diff --git a/scenes/main.gd b/scenes/main.gd index 4f1c67f..7ab90d5 100644 --- a/scenes/main.gd +++ b/scenes/main.gd @@ -1,23 +1,15 @@ extends Node2D -var net_worth: Big - # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready() -> void: - _on_microgame_spawn_timer_timeout() - net_worth = Big.new(1000) + pass - var window = get_window() - window.position = Vector2(450, 360) - window.size = Vector2(1319, 300) # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta: float) -> void: # The most important functionality if Input.is_action_just_pressed("G"): $Meow.play() - - $Score.text = "Net worth: \n$%s" % net_worth.toString() func _on_microgame_spawn_timer_timeout() -> void: @@ -26,6 +18,9 @@ func _on_microgame_spawn_timer_timeout() -> void: # Spawn a microgame window var window_scene = preload("res://scenes/microgames/ad/ad_window.tscn") var window_instance = window_scene.instantiate() + + print(type_string(typeof(window_instance))) + add_child(window_instance) # Randomize window position @@ -42,9 +37,9 @@ func _on_microgame_win(window: MicrogameWindow): print("yay") -func _on_stock_ticker_buy(amount: Variant) -> void: - net_worth = net_worth.minus(amount) - - -func _on_stock_ticker_sell(amount: Variant) -> void: - net_worth = net_worth.plus(amount) +func _on_fishin_win() -> void: + $Fishin.visible = false + $"Stock ticker".start() + $"Microgame spawn timer".start() + $Clippette.visible = true + $"Score window (real)".visible = true diff --git a/scenes/main.tscn b/scenes/main.tscn index a4504b9..fa0bfb2 100644 --- a/scenes/main.tscn +++ b/scenes/main.tscn @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=48 format=3 uid="uid://d06d1vihf2oqp"] +[gd_scene load_steps=50 format=3 uid="uid://d06d1vihf2oqp"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b03ygtrwha22g" path="res://taytay/IMG_5199.jpeg" id="1_o2s48"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scenes/main.gd" id="1_y7a0r"] @@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ [ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://wtoxhk0tf8ev" path="res://funny_sounds/Cat Meow - Minecraft Sound Effect (HD).mp3" id="3_gatxj"] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://g2veoq55y14i" path="res://scenes/stockticker/Stock Ticker.tscn" id="4_0ankd"] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bbg7lnak6kup7" path="res://scenes/LegallyDistinctPaperclipAssistant/window.tscn" id="5_6agvn"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scenes/score_window/score_window.gd" id="6_gvoxs"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dohsqvvi8y64h" path="res://UI/fish-spinning-ezgif.com-gif-to-sprite-converter.png" id="8_oj2tc"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://c4s4pigu4pr48" path="res://scenes/microgames/fishin/node_2d.tscn" id="10_sx2ad"] [sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id="AtlasTexture_uyge7"] atlas = ExtResource("8_oj2tc") @@ -286,51 +288,55 @@ animations = [{ [node name="Node2D2" type="Node2D"] script = ExtResource("1_y7a0r") -[node name="Background" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] -modulate = Color(0.796078, 0.796078, 0.796078, 1) -light_mask = 3 -scale = Vector2(1319, 300) -texture = ExtResource("2_fkfik") -centered = false - [node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] visible = false position = Vector2(636.307, 381.672) scale = Vector2(0.293995, 0.217148) texture = ExtResource("1_o2s48") -[node name="Score" type="Label" parent="."] -offset_top = 2.0 -offset_right = 83.0 -offset_bottom = 25.0 -theme = ExtResource("3_d7ku7") -theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) -theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 62 -text = "Net worth: - -$00000000000000000000" - [node name="Microgame spawn timer" type="Timer" parent="."] wait_time = 10.0 -autostart = true [node name="Meow" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] stream = ExtResource("3_gatxj") -[node name="Stock ticker window" type="Window" parent="."] -position = Vector2i(1000, 342) -size = Vector2i(1280, 720) +[node name="Clippette" parent="." instance=ExtResource("5_6agvn")] +visible = false + +[node name="Score window (real)" type="Window" parent="."] +visible = false -[node name="Stock ticker" parent="Stock ticker window" instance=ExtResource("4_0ankd")] +[node name="Score window" type="Node2D" parent="Score window (real)"] +script = ExtResource("6_gvoxs") -[node name="Clippette" parent="." instance=ExtResource("5_6agvn")] +[node name="Background" type="Sprite2D" parent="Score window (real)/Score window"] +modulate = Color(0.796078, 0.796078, 0.796078, 1) +light_mask = 3 +scale = Vector2(1319, 300) +texture = ExtResource("2_fkfik") +centered = false -[node name="Rotating fish" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="."] +[node name="Rotating fish" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="Score window (real)/Score window"] position = Vector2(1060, 149) sprite_frames = SubResource("SpriteFrames_ke268") autoplay = "default" frame_progress = 0.387952 +[node name="Score" type="Label" parent="Score window (real)/Score window"] +offset_top = 2.0 +offset_right = 1302.0 +offset_bottom = 197.0 +theme = ExtResource("3_d7ku7") +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 62 +text = "Net worth: + +$00000000000000000000" + +[node name="Stock ticker" parent="." instance=ExtResource("4_0ankd")] + +[node name="Fishin" parent="." instance=ExtResource("10_sx2ad")] +position = Vector2(0, 0) + [connection signal="timeout" from="Microgame spawn timer" to="." method="_on_microgame_spawn_timer_timeout"] -[connection signal="buy" from="Stock ticker window/Stock ticker" to="." method="_on_stock_ticker_buy"] -[connection signal="sell" from="Stock ticker window/Stock ticker" to="." method="_on_stock_ticker_sell"] +[connection signal="win" from="Fishin" to="." method="_on_fishin_win"] diff --git a/scenes/microgames/fishin/fishin.gd b/scenes/microgames/fishin/fishin.gd index 44b60db..3a7a704 100644 --- a/scenes/microgames/fishin/fishin.gd +++ b/scenes/microgames/fishin/fishin.gd @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ -extends MicrogameWindow +extends Node2D + +signal win const IN_GAME_WAIT_TIME = 10 @@ -13,7 +15,9 @@ var shake2: ShakePivot var shake3: ShakePivot var start_game_timer: Timer var in_game_timer: Timer -var succfail_timer: Timer +# This used to mean "success/failure" but now means "you succ, failure" +var succfail_timer: Timer +var success_timer: Timer var in_minigame = false var num_clicks = 0 @@ -32,6 +36,7 @@ func _ready() -> void: start_game_timer = $StartGame in_game_timer = $InGame succfail_timer = $SuccessFail + success_timer = $Success # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. @@ -63,7 +68,8 @@ func _on_texture_button_button_up() -> void: in_game_timer.stop() in_game_timer.wait_time = IN_GAME_WAIT_TIME - succfail_timer.start() + success_timer.start() + $"Yippee!".play() func _on_start_game_timeout() -> void: @@ -84,7 +90,7 @@ func _on_start_game_timeout() -> void: mouse.visible = true num_clicks = randi_range(5,21) - num_clicks = 21 + #num_clicks = 21 # YOU LOSE @@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ func _on_in_game_timeout() -> void: in_game_timer.stop() succfail_timer.start() + $"Fart".play() func _on_success_fail_timeout() -> void: @@ -111,3 +118,7 @@ func _on_success_fail_timeout() -> void: you.visible = true succfail_timer.stop() start_game_timer.start() + + +func _on_success_timeout() -> void: + win.emit() diff --git a/scenes/microgames/fishin/node_2d.tscn b/scenes/microgames/fishin/node_2d.tscn index 969ec34..5dc8da7 100644 --- a/scenes/microgames/fishin/node_2d.tscn +++ b/scenes/microgames/fishin/node_2d.tscn @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=14 format=3 uid="uid://c4s4pigu4pr48"] +[gd_scene load_steps=17 format=3 uid="uid://c4s4pigu4pr48"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://voruypgyi77e" path="res://scenes/stockticker/UI-Background-Colour.png" id="1_cxqat"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scenes/microgames/fishin/fishin.gd" id="1_srw8b"] @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://libs/shake_pivot.gd" id="7_vnrfy"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://d4kyih3ivlqqc" path="res://scenes/microgames/fishin/KibbbySad.png" id="9_blola"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dcvie7ynwdfui" path="res://scenes/microgames/fishin/KibbbyHappy.png" id="10_1il5r"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dpp7abs35p6i5" path="res://scenes/stockticker/fishe/gar.png" id="11_gjj1w"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://c6021mckr08w5" path="res://funny_sounds/Yippee - Meme Sound Effect.mp3" id="12_4oxp1"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://beunakwyi8i82" path="res://funny_sounds/ROBLOX Oof Sound Effect.mp3" id="13_kxv5l"] [sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_bep6n"] length = 0.001 @@ -48,10 +51,8 @@ _data = { "mash": SubResource("Animation_fxbt5") } -[node name="Node2D2" type="Window"] -position = Vector2i(0, 36) -size = Vector2i(930, 560) -unresizable = true +[node name="Fishin" type="Node2D"] +position = Vector2(0, 36) script = ExtResource("1_srw8b") [node name="background" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ scale = Vector2(1300.5, 725.5) texture = ExtResource("1_cxqat") [node name="you!" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] -position = Vector2(535, 300) +position = Vector2(665, 458) texture = ExtResource("2_atppo") [node name="TextureButton" type="TextureButton" parent="."] @@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ script = ExtResource("7_vnrfy") [node name="pulling" type="Sprite2D" parent="ShakePivot"] visible = false -position = Vector2(535, 300) +position = Vector2(665, 458) texture = ExtResource("3_don82") [node name="ShakePivot2" type="Node2D" parent="."] @@ -88,10 +89,10 @@ script = ExtResource("7_vnrfy") [node name="MASH" type="Label" parent="ShakePivot2"] visible = false -offset_left = 150.0 -offset_top = 358.0 -offset_right = 570.0 -offset_bottom = 598.0 +offset_left = 286.0 +offset_top = 463.0 +offset_right = 706.0 +offset_bottom = 703.0 theme = ExtResource("5_7qce4") theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(1, 0, 0, 1) theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 60 @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ script = ExtResource("7_vnrfy") [node name="Mouse" type="Sprite2D" parent="ShakePivot3"] visible = false -position = Vector2(412, 532) +position = Vector2(548, 637) scale = Vector2(0.216276, 0.249769) [node name="StartGame" type="Timer" parent="."] @@ -113,18 +114,42 @@ wait_time = 3.0 [node name="SAD" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] visible = false -position = Vector2(535, 300) +position = Vector2(665, 458) texture = ExtResource("9_blola") [node name="Happy" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] visible = false -position = Vector2(535, 300) +position = Vector2(665, 458) texture = ExtResource("10_1il5r") +[node name="Catch" type="Sprite2D" parent="Happy"] +position = Vector2(-385, 50) +scale = Vector2(0.475, 0.492) +texture = ExtResource("11_gjj1w") + +[node name="Victory message" type="Label" parent="Happy"] +offset_left = -479.0 +offset_top = -398.0 +offset_right = 481.0 +offset_bottom = -334.0 +theme = ExtResource("5_7qce4") +theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 64 +text = "You caught GAR!" + [node name="SuccessFail" type="Timer" parent="."] wait_time = 3.0 +[node name="Success" type="Timer" parent="."] +wait_time = 3.0 + +[node name="Yippee!" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("12_4oxp1") + +[node name="Fart" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] +stream = ExtResource("13_kxv5l") + [connection signal="button_up" from="TextureButton" to="." method="_on_texture_button_button_up"] [connection signal="timeout" from="StartGame" to="." method="_on_start_game_timeout"] [connection signal="timeout" from="InGame" to="." method="_on_in_game_timeout"] [connection signal="timeout" from="SuccessFail" to="." method="_on_success_fail_timeout"] +[connection signal="timeout" from="Success" to="." method="_on_success_timeout"] diff --git a/scenes/score_window/score_window.gd b/scenes/score_window/score_window.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4159af --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/score_window/score_window.gd @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +extends Node2D + +var net_worth: Big + +# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. +func _ready() -> void: + net_worth = Big.new(1000) + + var window = get_window() + window.position = Vector2(450, 360) + window.size = Vector2(1319, 300) + + +# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. +func _process(delta: float) -> void: + $Score.text = "Net worth: \n$%s" % net_worth.toString() + + +func _on_stock_ticker_buy(amount: Variant) -> void: + net_worth = net_worth.minus(amount) + + +func _on_stock_ticker_sell(amount: Variant) -> void: + net_worth = net_worth.plus(amount) diff --git a/scenes/stockticker/Stock Ticker.tscn b/scenes/stockticker/Stock Ticker.tscn index f2b2ec6..6afa1af 100644 --- a/scenes/stockticker/Stock Ticker.tscn +++ b/scenes/stockticker/Stock Ticker.tscn @@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ script = ExtResource("1_1gmdn") [node name="Background" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] modulate = Color(0.796078, 0.796078, 0.796078, 1) position = Vector2(639.75, 359.75) -scale = Vector2(1280.5, 720.5) +scale = Vector2(1280, 720) texture = ExtResource("1_wbfee") [node name="Timer" type="Timer" parent="."] -autostart = true [node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] position = Vector2(1036, 555) diff --git a/scenes/stockticker/transactions.gd b/scenes/stockticker/transactions.gd index daff901..39e25b9 100644 --- a/scenes/stockticker/transactions.gd +++ b/scenes/stockticker/transactions.gd @@ -15,3 +15,7 @@ func _on_stonks_sell(amount: Variant) -> void: print("+$%s" % amount.toString()) sell.emit(amount) + +# Scope creep! +func start(): + $Timer.start() |