#+title: Custom Scripts Open script container. #+begin_src nix :tangle ~/.flake/home/scripts.nix :mkdirp yes { config, pkgs, ... }: { home.file = { #+end_src Use =fuzzel= to open a menu to power off, reboot, or log out. #+begin_src nix :tangle ~/.flake/home/scripts.nix :mkdirp yes ".local/bin/poweroptions.sh" = { text = '' #!/bin/sh getoption () { fuzzel --dmenu -l 3 -x 1 -r 10 << EOF 󰐥 power off 󰜉 restart 󰍃 logout EOF } option=$(getoption | xargs) case $option in '󰐥 power off') systemctl poweroff;; '󰜉 restart') systemctl reboot;; '󰍃 logout') hyprctl dispatch exit;; esac ''; executable = true; }; #+end_src Close script container. #+begin_src nix :tangle ~/.flake/home/scripts.nix :mkdirp yes }; } #+end_src