#+title: Core Program Configuration This is the core of my program configuration. This file installs programs that do not require additional configuration. Note that Discord is not FOSS and that =prismlauncher= is a launcher for Minecraft. #+begin_src nix :tangle ~/.flake/home/programs/core.nix :mkdirp yes { config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./fastfetch.nix ./foot.nix ./git.nix ./hyprlock.nix ./ncmpcpp.nix ./neovim.nix ./ssh.nix ./waybar.nix ./zsh.nix ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ discord # not FOSS clang-tools eza fuzzel ispell gcc gzdoom htop hyfetch hyprshot lesspipe mpc-cli mpv networkmanagerapplet obs-studio pavucontrol prismlauncher # minecraft protonvpn-gui python3 swaybg texliveFull unzip zip ]; } #+end_src