#+title: SketchyBar Battery Plugin Get the percentage and charging status. #+begin_src sh :tangle ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/battery.sh :mkdirp yes :tangle-mode o755 #!/bin/sh PERCENTAGE="$(pmset -g batt | grep -Eo "\d+%" | cut -d% -f1)" CHARGING="$(pmset -g batt | grep 'AC Power')" #+end_src Exit if no percentage was reported. #+begin_src sh :tangle ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/battery.sh :mkdirp yes :tangle-mode o755 if [ "$PERCENTAGE" = "" ]; then exit 0 fi #+end_src Choose the icon based on the percentage. #+begin_src sh :tangle ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/battery.sh :mkdirp yes :tangle-mode o755 if [[ "$CHARGING" != "" ]]; then case "${PERCENTAGE}" in 9[0-9]|100) ICON="󰂅" ;; [6-8][0-9]) ICON="󰂉" ;; [3-5][0-9]) ICON="󰂇" ;; [1-2][0-9]) ICON="󰢜" ;; ,*) ICON="󰁺" esac else case "${PERCENTAGE}" in 9[0-9]|100) ICON="󰁹" ;; [6-8][0-9]) ICON="󰁿" ;; [3-5][0-9]) ICON="󰁼" ;; [1-2][0-9]) ICON="󰁺" ;; ,*) ICON="" esac fi sketchybar --set "$NAME" icon="$ICON" label="${PERCENTAGE}%" #+end_src