#+title: Core Program Configuration Import configurations for programs and install programs with no configuration. #+begin_src nix { config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./emacs/core.nix ./fastfetch.nix ./ghostty.nix ./git.nix ./neovim.nix ./ssh.nix ./zsh/core.nix ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ aescrypt bash-language-server bear bison cmake cmake-language-server curl dasel dos2unix eza ffmpeg findutils fzf gnuplot gnutls go gopls gpgme htop hunspell hyfetch # TODO: configure inetutils ispell lesspipe marksman mailutils meson mpv ninja nodejs_23 notcurses p7zip pandoc openpomodoro-cli pup python312 python312Packages.black python312Packages.pylint python312Packages.python-lsp-server ripgrep rsync rustup shellcheck shfmt texliveFull typescript-language-server vscode-langservers-extracted wget yt-dlp zig zls ]; } #+end_src