#+title: Homebrew Configuration Set up Homebrew. #+begin_src nix { config, pkgs, ... }: { homebrew = { enable = true; #+end_src Do not quarantine casks. #+begin_src nix caskArgs.no_quarantine = true; #+end_src Don't automatically update except with Nix update and clean up any packages that are not listed. #+begin_src nix global.autoUpdate = false; onActivation = { autoUpdate = false; cleanup = "zap"; upgrade = true; }; #+end_src List the taps to use on Homebrew. #+begin_src nix taps = [ "felixkratz/formulae" "homebrew/bundle" "homebrew/cask-fonts" "homebrew/cask-versions" "homebrew/services" "osx-cross/avr" ]; #+end_src List packages to install with Homebrew. #+begin_src nix brews = [ "aescrypt" "avrdude" "bash-language-server" "bear" "binutils" "bison" "choose-gui" "clang-format" "cmake" "cmake-language-server" "coreutils" "curl" "dos2unix" "dotnet" "eza" "fd" "gcc" "gnutls" "ffmpeg" "fzf" "go" "gpgme" "grep" "htop" "hunspell" "hyfetch" "imagemagick" "ispell" "jq" "lesspipe" "latexdiff" "libgccjit" "llvm@18" "marksman" "meson" "mono" "mpv" "ninja" "nmap" "nspr" "nss" "open-mpi" "open-ocd" "openjdk" "pandoc" "pinentry-mac" "poppler" "ripgrep" "rsync" "rust" "sevenzip" "shellcheck" "shfmt" "telnet" "tree-sitter" "typescript-language-server" "vscode-langservers-extracted" "wget" "yt-dlp" "felixkratz/formulae/sketchybar" "osx-cross/avr/avr-binutils" "osx-cross/avr/avarice" "osx-cross/avr/avr-gcc@14" ]; #+end_src List casks to install with Homebrew. #+begin_src nix casks = [ "alacritty" "audacity" "blender" "cabal" "calibre" "desmume" "gcc-arm-embedded" "gimp" "godot" "inkscape" "krita" "mactex" "multimc" "obs" "openemu" "pokemon-showdown" "protonmail-bridge" "protonvpn" "qbittorrent" "rar" "syncthing" "thunderbird" "vlc" "whisky" "zen-browser" "zotero" ]; #+end_src Close Homebrew configuration #+begin_src nix }; } #+end_src