#+title: Neovim Settings This is the entry point for my Neovim configuration. Disable timeout to speed things up. #+begin_src lua :tangle yes vim.cmd([[set notimeout]]) #+end_src Install plugins in the [[./lua/plugins.org][plugins.lua]] file. #+begin_src lua :tangle yes require('plugins') #+end_src Set up behaviour in the [[./lua/behaviour.org][behaviour.lua]] file. #+begin_src lua :tangle yes require('behaviour') #+end_src Set up appearance in the [[./lua/appearance.org][appearance.lua]] file. #+begin_src lua :tangle yes require('appearance') #+end_src Set up formatting options in the [[./lua/format.org][format.lua]] file. #+begin_src lua :tangle yes require('format') #+end_src Set up language servers in the [[./lua/languageServers.org][languageServers.lua]] file. #+begin_src lua :tangle yes require('languageServers') #+end_src Set up auto-complete in the [[./lua/autocomplete.org][autocomplete.lua]] file. #+begin_src lua :tangle yes require('autocomplete') #+end_src