#+title: Foot Settings * Basic Settings Use Source Code Pro with Nerd Font in size 10. #+begin_src ini :tangle yes font=SauceCodePro Nerd Font:size=10 #+end_src Add 6 pixel padding around the terminal. #+begin_src ini :tangle yes pad=6x6 #+end_src * URL Use Firefox to open URLs. #+begin_src ini :tangle yes [url] launch=firefox ${url} #+end_src * Mouse Hide the mouse when typing. #+begin_src ini :tangle yes [mouse] hide-when-typing=yes #+end_src * Colours The colours are defined here. I use a slightly transparent background. #+begin_src ini :tangle yes [colors] alpha=0.9 background=fcfcfc foreground=5c6166 regular0=010101 regular1=e7666a regular2=80ab24 regular3=eba54d regular4=4196df regular5=9870c3 regular6=51b891 regular7=c1c1c1 bright0=343434 bright1=ee9295 bright2=9fd32f bright3=f0bc7b bright4=6daee6 bright5=b294d2 bright6=75c7a8 bright7=dbdbdb #+end_src