#+title: Fastfetch Configuration

Specify the layout for =fastfetch=. List out
- Operating system
- The kernel
- Uptime
- The number of packages
- Shell
- Display information
- Window manager
- Terminal
- CPU information
- GPU information
- Memory information
- Disk usage
- Locale
- Colours

#+begin_src nix
  { config, pkgs, ... }:

    programs.fastfetch = {
      enable = true;
      settings = {
        logo = {
          type = "raw";
          source = "~/.config/fastfetch/logo.sixel";
          width = 40;
          height = 19;
        display = {
          separator = "  ";
        modules = [
              type = "custom";
              format = "──────────────────────────────────";
              type = "os";
              key = "";
              type = "kernel";
              key = "󰞸";
              type = "uptime";
              key = "";
              type = "packages";
              key = "";
              type = "shell";
              key = "";
              type = "display";
              key = "󰍹";
              type = "wm";
              key = "";
              type = "terminal";
              key = "";
              type = "cpu";
              key = "";
              type = "gpu";
              key = "";
              type = "memory";
              key = "";
              type = "disk";
              key = "";
              type = "locale";
              key = "";