#+title: Alacritty Configuration This is the configuration for Alacritty terminal emulator. #+begin_src nix { config, pkgs, ... }: { programs.alacritty = { enable = true; settings = { #+end_src Use no window decorations, slight transparency, small padding, and allow the =⌥= to work as =alt=. #+begin_src nix window = { decorations = "None"; opacity = 0.9; padding = { x = 6; y = 6; }; option_as_alt = "Both"; }; #+end_src Use Source Code Pro (Nerd Font), size 14 as my font. #+begin_src nix font = { normal = { family = "SauceCodePro Nerd Font"; style = "Regular"; }; size = 14; }; #+end_src Set colour scheme. #+begin_src nix colors = { primary = { background = "#ece0c9"; foreground = "#191916"; }; normal = { black = "#191916"; red = "#ac4438"; green = "#354d52"; yellow = "#ba9151"; blue = "#465b91"; magenta = "#5b5489"; cyan = "#4e6062"; white = "#c9ad7a"; }; bright = { black = "#293c3c"; red = "#d8611c"; green = "#4b7b53"; yellow = "#d8974b"; blue = "#2f3d91"; magenta = "#735e82"; cyan = "#6b8f92"; white = "#ece0c9"; }; }; }; }; } #+end_src