path: root/nixos/.flake/home/programs/waybar.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/.flake/home/programs/waybar.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/.flake/home/programs/waybar.nix b/nixos/.flake/home/programs/waybar.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ef4b17..0000000
--- a/nixos/.flake/home/programs/waybar.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
- programs.waybar = {
- enable = true;
- settings = {
- mainBar = {
- height = 30;
- spacing = 4;
- modules-left = [ "hyprland/workspaces" ];
- modules-center = [ "hyprland/window" ];
- modules-right = [ "mpd" "pulseaudio" "cpu" "memory" "clock" "tray" ];
- mpd = {
- format = "{stateIcon} {artist} - {album} - {title} ({elapsedTime:%M:%S}/{totalTime:%M:%S}) [{songPosition}|{queueLength}] 🎵";
- format-disconnected = "Disconnected 🎵";
- format-stopped = "{consumeIcon}Stopped 🎵";
- unknown-tag = "N/A";
- interval = 2;
- state-icons = {
- paused = "";
- playing = "";
- };
- tooltip-format = "MPD (connected)";
- tooltip-format-disconnected = "MPD (disconnected)";
- on-click = "foot -e ncmpcpp";
- };
- tray = {
- icon-size = 21;
- spacing = 10;
- show-passive-items = true;
- };
- clock = {
- format = "{:%H:%M\t%Y-%m-%d}";
- };
- cpu = {
- format = "{usage}% ";
- tooltip = false;
- };
- memory = {
- format = "{}% ";
- };
- network = {
- format-wifi = "";
- tooltip = false;
- format-ethernet = "";
- format-linked = "";
- format-disconnected = "⚠";
- on-click = "kcmshell5 kcm_networkmanagement";
- };
- pulseaudio = {
- format = "{volume}% {icon}";
- format-bluetooth = "{volume}% {icon}";
- format-bluetooth-muted = " {icon}";
- format-muted = " ";
- format-source = "{volume}% ";
- format-source-muted = "";
- format-icons = {
- headphone = "";
- hands-free = "";
- headset = "";
- phone = "";
- portable = "";
- car = "";
- default = ["" "" ""];
- };
- on-click = "pavucontrol";
- };
- };
- };
- style = ''
- window#waybar {
- font-family: FontAwesome, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
- font-size: 13px;
- background: transparent;
- color: #ffffff;
- text-shadow: 1px 1px #64727D;
- transition-property: background-color;
- transition-duration: .5s;
- }
- button {
- border: none;
- border-radius: 0;
- }
- button:hover {
- background: inherit;
- box-shadow: inset 0 -3px #ffffff;
- }
- #workspaces button {
- padding: 0 5px;
- text-shadow: 1px 1px #64727D;
- background-color: transparent;
- color: #ffffff;
- }
- #workspaces button:hover {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- }
- #workspaces button.focused {
- background: transparent;
- box-shadow: inset 0 -3px #ffffff;
- }
- #workspaces button.urgent {
- background-color: #eb4d4b;
- }
- #clock,
- #cpu,
- #memory,
- #disk,
- #network,
- #pulseaudio,
- #wireplumber,
- #custom-media,
- #tray,
- #mode,
- #scratchpad,
- #mpd {
- padding: 0 10px;
- }
- #window,
- #workspaces {
- margin: 0 4px;
- }
- .modules-left > widget:first-child > #workspaces {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- /* If workspaces is the rightmost module, omit right margin */
- .modules-right > widget:last-child > #workspaces {
- margin-right: 0;
- }
- #tray > .passive {
- -gtk-icon-effect: dim;
- }
- #tray > .needs-attention {
- -gtk-icon-effect: highlight;
- }
- #scratchpad {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- }
- #scratchpad.empty {
- background-color: transparent;
- }
- '';
- };