path: root/macos.local/.flake/home/programs
diff options
authorjjanzen <jjanzen@jjanzen.ca>2025-01-08 17:24:21 -0600
committerjjanzen <jjanzen@jjanzen.ca>2025-01-08 17:24:21 -0600
commita75b69b88f967e6271d75a1bc122da0b2e4eeece (patch)
tree20b7fb1bec30f68e61846c45a481bee174f4af9f /macos.local/.flake/home/programs
parenta1cbc273fb92c69ea1b8534f6ef6064b5da40e31 (diff)
system changes
Diffstat (limited to 'macos.local/.flake/home/programs')
6 files changed, 101 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/core.nix.org b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/core.nix.org
index 5aa8897..064eddc 100644
--- a/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/core.nix.org
+++ b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/core.nix.org
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Import configurations for programs and install programs with no configuration.
imports = [
- ./alacritty.nix
diff --git a/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/ghostty.nix.org b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/ghostty.nix.org
index ccfdae3..29bc15a 100644
--- a/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/ghostty.nix.org
+++ b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/ghostty.nix.org
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-#+title: GhosTTY Configuration
+#+title: ghostty Configuration
-This terminal emulator seems over-hyped, but I'm trying it anyways.
+I use =ghostty= as a terminal emulator on macOS. I disable auto-update and set some sensible options.
#+begin_src nix
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
home.file."./.config/ghostty/config".text = ''
- auto-update = "off"
- background-blur-radius = 20
- background-opacity = 0.8
- clipboard-trim-trailing-spaces = true
- font-family = "SauceCodePro Nerd Font"
- font-thicken = true
- macos-option-as-alt = true
- macos-window-shadow = false
- mouse-hide-while-typing = true
- quit-after-last-window-closed = true
- theme = "Builtin Light"
- window-decoration = true
+ auto-update = "off"
+ background-blur-radius = 20
+ background-opacity = 0.8
+ clipboard-trim-trailing-spaces = true
+ font-family = "SauceCodePro Nerd Font"
+ font-thicken = true
+ macos-option-as-alt = true
+ macos-window-shadow = false
+ mouse-hide-while-typing = true
+ quit-after-last-window-closed = true
+ theme = "Builtin Light"
+ window-decoration = true
diff --git a/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/ssh.nix.org b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/ssh.nix.org
index e1ba2ca..28f779f 100644
--- a/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/ssh.nix.org
+++ b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/ssh.nix.org
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#+title: SSH Configuration
-Configure SSH. Keys should be added to the SSH agent. Specify the key file and use the system keychain.
+Configure SSH. Keys should be added to the SSH agent. Use the system keychain on all configurations.
#+begin_src nix
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
@@ -14,30 +14,21 @@ Configure SSH. Keys should be added to the SSH agent. Specify the key file and u
"UseKeychain" = "yes";
-Here is my University of Manitoba computer science SSH server. My account is =janzenj2=.
-#+begin_src nix
- "aviary" = {
- hostname = "aviary.cs.umanitoba.ca";
- user = "janzenj2";
- setEnv = {
- "TERM" = "xterm";
- };
- };
+ "aviary" = {
+ hostname = "aviary.cs.umanitoba.ca";
+ user = "janzenj2";
+ setEnv = {
+ "TERM" = "xterm";
+ };
+ };
-Here is my web server at =jjanzen.ca=. Set the =$TERM= variable to =xterm=.
-#+begin_src nix
- "jjanzen.ca" = {
- setEnv = {
- "TERM" = "xterm";
- };
- };
+ "jjanzen.ca" = {
+ setEnv = {
+ "TERM" = "xterm";
+ };
+ };
-Here is my oracle cloud instance login. Use the =opc= user and a provided key file. Set the =$TERM= variable to =xterm=.
-#+begin_src nix
"oracle" = {
setEnv = {
"TERM" = "xterm";
diff --git a/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/zsh/core.nix.org b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/zsh/core.nix.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e9aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/zsh/core.nix.org
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#+title: ZSH Configuration
+Open =zsh= configuration.
+#+begin_src nix
+ { config, pkgs, ... }:
+ {
+ programs.zsh = {
+ enable = true;
+ autocd = true;
+ autosuggestion.enable = true;
+ defaultKeymap = "emacs";
+ history = {
+ append = true;
+ ignoreAllDups = true;
+ };
+ shellAliases = {
+ "ll" = "ls -alF";
+ "la" = "ls -a";
+ "l" = "ls -F";
+ "sl" = "ls";
+ };
+ syntaxHighlighting.enable = true;
+ initExtra = builtins.readFile ./init-extra.sh;
+ profileExtra = builtins.readFile ./profile-extra.sh;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/zsh/init-extra.sh.org b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/zsh/init-extra.sh.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8255ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/zsh/init-extra.sh.org
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#+title: ZSH Extra Initialization Code
+Define optional aliases.
+#+begin_src sh
+ which lesspipe.sh &> /dev/null && export LESSOPEN="|lesspipe.sh %s"
+ which eza &> /dev/null && alias ls=eza
+Enable =fzf= extensions for =zsh=.
+#+begin_src sh
+ which zsh &> /dev/null && source <(fzf --zsh)
+Enable git status in =zsh= prompt.
+#+begin_src sh
+ parse_git_dirty() {
+ git_status="$(git status 2> /dev/null)"
+ [[ "$git_status" =~ "use \"git push\" to publish your local commits" ]] && echo -n " %F{green}%f"
+ [[ "$git_status" =~ "Changes to be committed:" ]] && echo -n " %F{magenta}%f"
+ [[ "$git_status" =~ "Changes not staged for commit:" ]] && echo -n " %F{yellow}%f"
+ [[ "$git_status" =~ "Untracked files:" ]] && echo -n " %F{red}%f"
+ }
+ setopt prompt_subst
+ autoload -Uz vcs_info
+ precmd () { vcs_info }
+ zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats ' %F{blue}%b%f' # git(main)
+ PS1='%(?..%B%F{red}[%?%\]%f%b )%F{green}%20<...<%~%<<%f$vcs_info_msg_0_$(parse_git_dirty) $ '
diff --git a/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/zsh/profile-extra.sh.org b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/zsh/profile-extra.sh.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64457ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macos.local/.flake/home/programs/zsh/profile-extra.sh.org
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#+title: Profile Extra Code
+Enable =ssh-agent= at login.
+#+begin_src sh
+ if [ ! -S ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock ]; then
+ eval `ssh-agent` > /dev/null
+ ln -sf "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock
+ fi
+ export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock